Discover Lehigh Valley® Partners

Thank you for supporting Discover Lehigh Valley® (DLV). We have hundreds of great partners of all types and sizes that come from all parts of the community. Here, you’ll find resources on how to make the most of your partnership with Discover Lehigh Valley. Can’t find what you’re looking for? We’re always happy to help.

Through your partnership, you can:
  • Leverage our team’s experience and expertise in destination marketing

  • Access our audience through, email marketing, digital advertising, social media channels, and more!

  • Inclusion in any networking events put on by DLV

  • Opportunity to respond to conference, meeting, and sporting event leads sent out by our team

  • Access our Extranet Partner Portal to manage your business' account

  • Receive a detailed listing on and inclusion in our various marketing and promotional efforts, as well as access to additional Partner Enhancements

  • Submit public events to our comprehensive online events calendar, as well as submit overnight packages and special offers for promotion on our website


Caleb Danielson Coordinator, Partner Relations